Power BI Update July 2023

Welcome to the Power BI update July 2023! In this blog post, we’ll explore the most important updates that have arrived in this latest release. Let’s dive right in and see what’s new in Power BI this month:

1.  Enhanced Data Connectivity:

With the July update, Power BI has updated data connectivity options, allowing you to seamlessly connect to a wider range of data sources. Connector to Snowflake, Google Analytics, Azure Databricks, Denodo, EQuIS, and Anaplan are updated.

2. Updates on On-Object Interaction:

On-object interaction has been further improved, with new features such as the ability to pin objects to the canvas, and to create custom actions for objects. The ability to customize the pane switcher allows users to quickly add new panes directly from the pane switcher without having to go to the View ribbon. Users can also access the preference settings for showing the pane switcher and re-attaching the build menu as a pane by using the gear icon. This makes it easier to interact with your data in Power BI reports and dashboards, and to create more engaging and interactive experiences. 

3. Smoothed and Leader Lines for Charts: 

In the latest update, Power BI enables report creators to design smoother line and area charts, resulting in visualizations with a more polished and refined appearance.

To access this setting, go to Lines > Shape > Line Type.

Leader lines have been added to both line and area charts, providing a visual connection between each data point and its corresponding label. This makes it easier to understand the relationship between the data points and the labels, and to see how the data changes over time.

To access this feature, simply navigate to the Data labels > Options > Leader lines.

4. Datasets for Mobile: 

Power BI Mobile apps now support datasets, enabling easy access and interaction with your data on the go. Take your reports and dashboards with you, manage datasets from your phone, refresh dataset and if dataset fails to refresh receive push notifications for schedule refreshes. Stay in control and stay connected to your data, anytime, anywhere.

5. Update on Power BI Services:

You can update relationships from power bi service. This is only available in preview version but editing of data model in power bi service is now enhanced. Beside this the dataset details page in PowerBI Service is redesigned. Some enhanced feature in power bi dataset details page is dataset schema, related items, dataset metadata and actions using the dataset.

6. Multiple new visual are added including Multi Target KPI card:

The Multi Target KPI card is a new visual feature in Power BI that allows you to display multiple key performance indicators (KPIs) in a single card. You can customize the appearance, layout, and thresholds of each KPI, as well as the overall card. The Multi Target KPI card is useful for comparing different measures or targets across different dimensions or categories. For example, you can use it to show the sales performance of different products, regions, or salespeople. The Multi Target KPI card is available in the Power BI July 2023 update.

These are just a few of the new features and improvements in the July 2023 update for Power BI. For more information, please see the official blog post: 


Also, you could watch Power BI July 2023 Update explanation video on YouTube by official PowerBI Account.

How to Get Started

To get started with the new features in Power BI, simply update your Power BI Desktop and Power BI service to the latest version. Then, you can start exploring the new features and improvements.

Download Latest Version of Power BI Desktop:

Click the following link to download latest version of power bi desktop:


You can get the latest PowerBI Desktop with advance options from the link below:


What’s Next?

Microsoft is constantly working to improve Power BI, and we can expect to see even more new features and improvements in the coming months. Stay tuned for more updates!

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